Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about KuBitX project, and for more details let’s go to the following discussion:

Human needs and desires and the value of a product for humans are not enough to explain marketing. Marketing arises when people decide to meet their needs and wants by exchange.
exchange is one way of getting the desired product from someone by offering something instead.
exchange is a process and not a momentary occurrence. Each party is said to be in an exchange if they negotiate and lead to an agreement.

If the agreement is reached then it is called a transaction. The transaction is an exchange of value between the two parties, for the smoothness of the transaction, a distributorship, distributors, and suppliers will build a strong economic, technical and social fish with partners.

so the transaction does not need to be negotiated, but it has become a routine thing, this can be achieved by promising and delivering the quality of products, services, and reasonable prices in sustainability.

As we know, cryptocurrency is a trend of payment and investment media that is popular in this modern era. Over time, much-emerging exchange or cryptocurrency markets are used by traders to buy or sell their cryptocurrency.

If you are still confused to use cryptocurrency and do not have it for now, let alone you are the investor, this platform also has security is very safe to use for blockchain and cryptocurrency, this is  KUBITX


1. KuBitX is one of the most sophisticated and robust exchange cryptocurrency platforms today and is designed to be extremely user-friendly and helps investors from all regions and backgrounds from different blockchain and cryptocurrency spaces.

2. KuBitX provides a technology that will help us to gain a sense of comfort in transactions such as KuBitX Trade technology, KuBitX’s secure wallet from theft, and a more advanced admin dashboard to organize activities in exchange transactions.

3. KuBitX aims to be one of the largest and most diverse cryptocurrency markets for both buyers and sellers worldwide. KubitX also targets to introduce to the most remote people to get into the cryptocurrency market.


•  SECURITY  = KuBitx has created an extensive benchmark with this existing platform and allows us to take several steps to further improve security on the KuBitx platform

•  HIGH SCALABILITY  = The KuBitX platform is highly scalable, KuBitX platform users.

•  Ecosystem  = As a firm adherent in the peer to peer payment ecosystem, KuBitX that most traditional financial systems will be replaced because of the level of trust in a continuously damaged transaction.

•  BLOCKCHAIN  = KBX Token is based on the technological blockchain based on ERC20 [Ethereum]. The KuBitx Token will be useful to the most common problem in the developing countries in terms of social, utility, administration, and governance.

•  LOW COST  = KuBitX will guarantee the cheapest transaction fee compared to other exchange platforms. If you use normal trading fees, you will be charged a transaction fee of 0.05% of the total cryptocurrency you will transaction. But if you use KuBitX token (KBX) then you will only be charged transaction fee of 0.0375% only.

•  MINIMIZED RISKS  = KuBitX team has incorporated all of these strategies into the KuBitX platform.



score: KBX
Token Type: ERC20 (Ethereum)
decimal: 18
algorithm: Post
Shipping Amount: 500,000,000
Currency received: ETH
Soft cover: 10,000 ETH
Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH
Image results for KUBITX bounty



For more information and KubitX Social Media today, please follow these resources:
Author : sarta afdal17
My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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