ZeroState Effective Solution To Manage Customer Loyalty Through Emotional Interaction

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Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about ZEROSTATE project, and for more details let’s go to the following discussion:

As a consumer, sometimes I know exactly what I want, and sometimes I do not know what I want, as long as it’s in front of me. I want to be a loyal customer and can quickly find new products / services. On the other hand, advertisers want to sell their products / services with a high level of confidence that I will make a purchase. In short, this is the attitude of the advertisers. When the relationship is in perfect balance, they get what they want. ZeroState is a platform designed to achieve this balance / reference.

Below are the benefits consumers and advertisers can expect from using the ZeroState platform.

Free participation in promotions on the platform
Bonus feedback
His view is impartialThe best invention for the product / service
Better targeted marketing campaigns
A very loyal customer
Best user feedback and judgment
Emotional price list

Although products and services are often grouped by type (eg, science fiction, toys, furniture, clothing, etc.), ZeroState shows that consumers can find products / services with greater accuracy and accuracy, using consumer emotional preferences (fun, cool, cool, sexy, etc.). As such, ZeroState wants to use strong emotional ties and links to what they want, and provides a transactional platform to better connect consumers and advertisers.


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Benefits for users

Free participation in promotion
Become a simple ZeroState user: just install apps and list for free. Information search and participation in ad campaigns are also free

Bonus for review
The advertiser organizes the ad campaign and determines its budget. The user automatically becomes a member when he leaves a response or confirms a stranger. For each withdrawal or confirmation, their account is credited to ZSC.

Opinion is undisciplined
Users receive bonuses for all reviews, including for unprofitable ones. When customers are not forced to praise the product, we can get a fair and full evaluation.

ZeroState means personal growth for its members, as well as access to data on products and services.
Advantages for advertisers

ZeroState offer for advertisers:

A very loyal customer
In addition to simply reading information about the company, customers also record their opinions and make money.

User Reviews
The feedback about the app gives the owner a note with detailed information. These can be analyzed to improve the product.

There is an assessment for every emotion. Each user review adds points and promotes a special note to the top. Your company can be “the coolest” or “the sweetest,” and it will attract users looking for these emotions.

Emotional price list
The map on the company page can be ranked by rank and emotion. Users can see the “most delicious”, “safest”, “most useful”, etc. Product. By adding a “Buy” button or a link to your store, you get a simple and effective new sales channel.

Take a look at the benefits of this project.
Under the scenario this project will also make you more interesting about this.

ZeroState Target Strategy
The core of the ZeroState platform is an application that can be used in any country in the world. Since 2018, it has been downloaded 60,000 times and has 30,000 active users (MAU).

ZeroState ICO

ZSC token sales are required to finance the development and scaling of existing business models. ZSC is designed to provide transparent and favorable conditions for each token holder.

For this, we need a growing specialist, technology, and client base. This, in turn, requires significant funding and marketing opportunities. For this purpose, ZeroState will issue a maximum of 100,000,000 ZSCoin tokens with an initial market value of 0.00047 ETH per token during ICO.

About ZeroState

Emotional intelligence is what we feel. It is a feeling born inside us long before our brain can assess the situation, apply a social filter and decide whether it is “good” or “bad”.
ZeroState uses apps to collect such feelings. Users are motivated by money to share it as they learn about new products.

Our platform is the link between the manufacturer and the user.

ZSCoin Tokens (ZSC) can be used by advertisers to increase the visibility of their products on our platform.
They can be bought by advertisers to launch ad campaigns through apps. The goal is to get feedback from customers, attract their attention and increase sales.
Users receive ZSC from advertisers to write reviews. ZSC can be redeemed for ETH or sold on the cryptocurrency exchange. Each month ZeroState will use 20% of its profits to buy back tokens, increasing their popularity.

ZeroState Token Details

Token: ZSC
Platform: Ethereum
ERC20 Price preICO 1ETH = 3200
Price ZSC at ICO 1ZSC = 0.00047 ETH


BONUS Presale 50%

Tokens sold 65 million
Min. investment: 100 ZSC
Accept: ETH
Distributed in ICO 65%
Soft seal: 4,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 20,000,000 USD


March 21, 2018
Sales: 5,000,000 tokens with 50% bonus
Cultivation: $ 2,000,000

We sell ZSC tokens to fund the development and scaling of existing efficient business models. ZSC is designed to provide transparent and useful terms for each token holder.

To achieve this, we need highly skilled professionals, technology, and a growing customer base. This, in turn, requires significant funding and marketing capability.

Public Token Sales
June 21, 2018
Selling 49.5 million tokens with 40% bonus, 30%, 20%

For this purpose, ZeroState will issue a maximum of 100,000,000 ZSCoin tokens with an initial market value of 0.00047 ETH per token during ICO. ZeroState ICO will have two major stages when the company token will be offered for sale with special discounts.

Bottom line

Bringing the product to the consumer and the certainty that they will buy this item is a sacred bowl for advertisers. For consumers, they do not want to be confused with marketing. In other words, if the relationship between consumers and advertisers is not balanced, advertisers spend money, and consumers spend time. In order for the relationship to be successful, both parties must be able to communicate their needs. This perfect communication is ultimately the goal of ZeroState.
At first I was a little skeptical that my emotional state and my sensory feedback could pay for what I was looking for. But with some thinking, I think that consumption is closely related to emotional states (emotional states can affect a number of decisions, not just products / services). For me, I prefer to listen to music by type, and then with excitement. For products, I want to see “popular”, “cool” or “pretty.” Is it good to go to the right? It’s a bit more complicated. Lamborghini suits my preference, but, most likely, I buy almost zero. Should I expect this from advertisers today? Yes, I understand.
ZeroState understands that achieving an ideal balance requires skill. For this reason, their models and transaction mechanisms to ensure objective assessment of fair advertising campaigns and the distribution of funds are described in their documents.

Simply put, ZeroState must ensure that participants play fair to give a high probability of success to their economic model. Remember: bad data usually means bad data. The ZeroState model should find the right balance of incentives to ensure that participants act and report in good faith. If this can be achieved, everyone wins – including ZeroState.
ZeroState is not the only company looking for the Holy Grail. Amazon (maybe you’ve heard of this) work hard to improve intelligence for artificial intelligence (AI). Amazon wants to use its customer data to predict what you want to buy before you do it! Amazon’s approach is different, but their goals are the same. I wrote about Amazon a few months ago a project to forecast analytics.
There the ZeroState project corresponds to my threshold for an interesting project. I do not think they need a large user base for success. You have to prove that your model works for every size of the user base, and growth will be organic.
I hope this post will help illustrate the ZeroState project and tell me why I find it interesting. If you agree with me, I suggest you read your document, as it presents your values ​​in greater detail.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Twitter :
Facebook :
LinkedIn : zerostate-inc
Instagram : https: // www
Medium :
Telegram :
YouTube : .com / channel / UCxTbb5czvsPtmYnsxHRZQnA
Whitepaper : https: //
Website :

Author : sarta afdal17

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